ATAM Productions — Website
Thoughts from Blaise Pascale
Posted by Alex Massaad on
I was doing some reading and enriching my intellect (no joke!) when I came across this impactful statement. We should all live in the present more. Let each of us examine his thoughts; he will find them wholly concerned with the past or the future. We almost never think ofthe present, and ifwe do think ofit, it is only to see what light it throws on our plans for the future. The present is never our end. The past and the present are our means, the future alone our end. Thus we never actually live, but hope to live, and...
Email transition over
Posted by firewire on
We are now finished with our email transition and our now fully contactable again, with prompt responses too! Until we speak again, have a nice day!
Email Transition period
Posted by Alex Massaad on
Effective immediately we will be experiencing a somewhat long email outage due to a transition in the technology we use to provide customer support. Thank you for your understanding during this time
Posted by firewire on
The only boundaries we recognize and plan for are those of science and law
Essential Wordpress Plugins
Posted by Alex Massaad on
I've been developing websites on Wordpress for a couple of years at this point and every time I start a new website I have to go searching for all the plugins that I frequently use. I wanted to create a list of the essential Plugins that I often install: Broken Link Checker: It's not good to have broken links on your site, and so even if its a minor outage, Broken Link checker can notify you. Smart 404: Really cool plugin that takes whatever the users typed into the url and searches your site for any matching content. Yet Another...